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The Benefits of Exercise After Pregnancy

January 17, 2018

Exercise following pregnancy is helpful for both the physical and mental well-being of a new mom. Most women following childbirth experience abdominal weakness, fatigue and normal stress of being a "new mom".

Always consult your physician before starting a new exercise regimen. You should begin slowly with stretching exercises and low impact exercises such as walking, pelvic tilts and kegal (pelvic floor muscle) exercises. Gradually increase your activity as able, incorporating such things as a yoga or Pilates video or class into your workout.

Finding time to exercise can sometimes be challenging after having a baby. Try incorporating your baby into your exercise routine. You can perform exercises such as squats, lunges and bridges while holding your baby.

Finally, aim for 20 to 30 minutes of exercise each day, making sure you drink plenty of fluid while exercising and stop any exercise that may cause pain.

Posted in Pregnancy on Jan 17, 2018