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Are You Stressed? 5 Steps Toward a Happier You

August 09, 2018

In our last blog, we learned what stress is and how to improve your focus and well-being. In this week’s blog, we will further explore chronic stress and learn ways to strive toward relaxation in honor of Happiness Happens Month.

Short term stressors like the anxiousness and excitement you feel before the big presentation are thought to be good for you as it keeps the body flexing its readiness for any situation. This stress can get you hyped up, giving you the drive to succeed. However, this is only true if there is an end to the stress. Acute stress can turn into chronic stress if it is not managed, and that’s when you’re in big trouble.

So what is chronic stress?

Chronic stress is stress that happens, continuously, over a period of time. This stress is when you are unable to stop worrying and it causes you to feel run down. You start to have trouble sleeping and eating, and feel achy and tired. Just getting through your day becomes a difficult mountain to climb. What’s debilitating about this stress is that you might get used to it and see it as a way of life. You might not realize that you are chronically stressed until an illness strikes or you are on vacation and you are remembering, “So this is what it’s like to relax.” Chronic stress affects multiple systems in your body and can contribute to a lot of serious diseases and illnesses. This is why it’s so very important to take care of yourself, and I’m here to tell you how to go from unbearably stressed to your best!

5 Steps To Take Toward Happiness:

Change the inner voice.

Be kind to yourself. Don’t get down on yourself for not getting everything done today or for eating that extra cookie. When you have a negative thought, think about one good thing you did that day. You can list some things, people, or events that you’re grateful for and that make you feel happy. Do this especially when your mind is racing at night before you sleep. This will help break the cycle of negative and self-defeating thoughts.

Go to sleep earlier.

Sleep is how your body heals. Even if you are not able to sleep, turn off the TV, computer, and phone. The blue light from electronic devices keeps you alert and awake. Instead, have some quiet time to do something else that you enjoy.

Find a hobby.

Go ahead and pick up that crossword puzzle that you’ve been meaning to finish! Be sure to pick a hobby that gives you a sense of accomplishment. These hobbies can include word puzzles, reading, gardening, or knitting.

Create “To Do” Lists.

Crossing tasks off of a list gives you a sense of accomplishment, but make sure the list is not more than what you can realistically do in one day. Focus on what you are able to do instead of thinking about all that you haven’t done. It is best to prioritize tasks that are the most important. Getting those done first will make you feel less overwhelmed.

Change Your Eating Habits.

The saying, “You are what you eat,” is actually true! Eating healthier will make you feel less run down. Now this doesn’t mean to change your entire eating routine all at once. Choosing one change makes it easier to accomplish your goal. For example, you can have dessert once a week, have one less piece of cheese a day, or drink 2 more glasses of water per day. Start small so it is not so overwhelming.

As a final point, make a goal of doing one thing on this list. You do not have to do them all, but you need to start somewhere. Do one and keep doing it. Once that gets easier, then do two and keep doing it. It will cause a snowball effect that will slowly build your foundation toward a better, less stressed and happier you!

Please go to our blog for further reading and check out our website to learn more about Atlas Therapy.


Posted in Stress on Aug 09, 2018