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Tips for Healthier Running

June 25, 2018

Now that we have reached the end of June, I’m sure a lot of you have been outside running or walking. Some of you may have already completed a 5K, 10K, half/full marathon, or other type of race. You may still be training and awaiting your upcoming race. Maybe you have never run a race, but would like to get started. Whatever stage of training you are in, there are many local races coming up the next few weeks. Whether you are running for fun or planning upcoming races, there are a few important things to keep in mind to ensure you will be able to continue running healthy and injury free.

Before I break down some helpful tips I thought I would explain my recent journey with running. This spring I completed two half marathons, although I definitely had some hiccups along the way. About half way through my training I started to experience left knee pain. At first I had hoped the knee pain would just go away, but who was I kidding? I had been delaying getting new running shoes, and my knee pain was a result. Getting new shoes helped, but it did not totally solve the problem. Working in the PT field we tend to be our own worst patients, but I finally asked a co-worker for advice. She worked with me on my stretches and exercises to work on specific running mechanics. As I started to focus more on stretches, exercises, and healthy tips (I’ll mention below) it helped me to finish the training and half marathons healthy and injury free!

Healthy Running/Training Tips

It is important to remember to eat a balanced healthy diet. That includes eating from all the major food groups and consuming many colorful fruits and vegetables. Protein is important to help keep the muscles energized during strain and stress on the body while running. Athletes tend to lean towards protein bars for protein conception, but there are many other foods to get good protein from. Some foods high in protein are eggs, nuts, peanut butter, chicken, and lean beef. Another good nutrient to consume during running is omega-3 which may help decrease soreness post activity, act as an anti-inflammatory, and decrease high blood pressure. Fish is one of the biggest suppliers of omega-3, but it can also be found in walnuts, spinach, and flaxseed.

Staying Hydrated:
It is important to stay hydrated when exercising and running, especially in the summer months. Most research shows you should drink half of your body weight in ounces, two thirds of that number should be water.

Shoes can be a very important part to your running mechanics. You should get new shoes about every 300-500 miles. To determine if you need new shoes you can also look at the tread on the bottom of the shoes. If you see the tread worn down to the sole of the shoe that is an indication you should get new shoes. The way your tread is worn down can also show if you tend to run on the outside or inside of your foot. Rapid Transit Sports is a local store in State College that I love to get my shoes from. They are very knowledgeable about shoes and they fit the shoes to your feet. Brush Mountain Running & Outdoors is also a great resource for running gear in the Altoona area.

Training Program:
If you are planning to run a race, make sure you follow a training program. It is very important to take the training seriously to avoid injury. There are a variety of programs including a couch to 5k training. Most training programs for half marathons are anywhere from 10-14 weeks and 16 weeks for a full marathon. There are many programs available online, and it is important to pick one that will fit your activity level and ideal time wanted for the race.

Cross Training:
It is important to do cross training when training for a race. Cross training can contain any form of exercise that does not involve running. This could include biking, lifting, ab work out, or any exercise class. My personal cross training favorites were Pilates, biking, and ab workouts. Pilates was a great class for me to build up core strength, breathing, and mind/body focus.

Stretching and More Stretching:
I personally think stretching is one of the most important things you can do when exercising or running. I recommend stretching before and after exercise. Research shows that you should hold stretches for at least 30 seconds to get the most benefit. It is important to stretch all the major muscle groups in the legs. These would include the hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, abductors, and gastrocnemius. There are a variety of ways to stretch all of these muscles, and it is important to find what works best for your body.

Some Helpful Resources

I highly recommend trying to incorporate all the healthy tips I listed above to your training or exercise routines. If you are experiencing pain or get injured, it is important to listen to your body; if you continue to train, you may make the injury worse. Don’t wait until the last minute to seek medical attention or physical therapy. Physical Therapy allowed me to finish my races injury free! Good luck to everyone with upcoming races and to the others that do it for fun. Happy running!

Posted in Exercise on Jun 25, 2018