There are many factors that correlate with being at risk for falls including: being 80 years or older, leg muscle weakness, difficulty walking, decreased vision, medical complications such as stroke or diabetes, confusion, depression, multiple or specific medications (4 or more), using an assistive walking device, home hazards like pets and rugs, low blood pressure, and prior history of a fall. Your balance system is a very complex system that is made up of many parts. The primary method of improving your balance is to work with a physical therapist. Atlas physical therapists are specifically trained in diagnosing many of these problems that can affect your balance. Finding the cause of your imbalance will help to determine what treatment is appropriate. Your Atlas physical therapist will do an assessment of your medical history, vision, walking, strength, conditioning, and home environment to help make determinations as to what treatments are needed. At Atlas we will listen to you and work with you on a specific program to maximize your safety and function with appropriate treatment techniques, devices, referral for community programs, or changes in living strategies to try to help you to maintain an active and safe lifestyle.
Do you feel you are a high fall risk?
Contact Atlas Therapy today to see if you would benefit from a balance screening.
Are you ready to experience better balance in your life? Our therapists in State College are trained and ready to help! Click the button below to get started.
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